GCC-HIMSS Webinar What is next for healthcare information technology innovation?
This was a Keynote Address I gave at Healthcare Unbound 2013 and focused on what’s needed for healthcare technology innovation in a value- and outcomes-driven model.
There’s a ton of hype surrounding disruptive technology innovation in healthcare but nothing is truly making a dent in the healthcare sector the same way as disruptions have occurred in other major segments of our economy. The slow but sure march from Fee For Service Based Care to Outcomes Driven Care has certainly started but it’s neither fast enough nor substantial enough to bend the cost curve or improve value to patients in the short term.
This presentation discusses how we can get beyond the hype by focusing on actionable innovation. Specifically, I answered the following questions:
- What does innovation in healthcare mean?
- Where are the major areas in healthcare where innovation is required?
Important takeaways this session included:
- Understand PBU: Payer vs. Benefiter vs. User
- Understand why healthcare businesses buy stuff so you can build the right thing